We love to share this special place with you
Our story of Tigh Na Mara spans over a decade now, and is truly one of a kind – a home away from home, “where people come first”.
That’ll be us then
Ciara - The Superstar
Jim - The Weed Basher
Our commitment is to indulge and spoil our guests so they can experience our unique brand of 4 star island hospitality. When you stay with us, you will discover a piece of Coll to call your own.
I am a Lancashire Lass turned islander that has thrown myself, my heart and my creative soul into Tigh Na Mara - some people say it is really rather evident that I never had a dolls house when I was just a tot. Both Tigh Na Mara and I have evolved over the years, reflecting the interesting characters and diverse personalities we have encountered. We promise to continue growing, to suit everybody that walks through our doors.
The last evolution was the addition of evening meals and a drinks license, can you imagine, a glass of carefully hand selected cool and crisp wine on the newly decked veranda after spending the day on the beach?
“You can shake the sand from your shoes but not your soul” ~ E. Smalley.
Now of course this would not be possible without the assistance and encouragement from the rest of the Tigh Na Mara Family; Angus - my husband and loudest cheerleader, Ciara - my little superstar and Jim - our gardener and constant.
“Don’t listen to what they (or anyone else) say, go see” – Ancient Chinese Proverb that we think is really rather apt.
We look forward to welcoming you to your home away from home.
Paula & The Tigh Na Mara Team